I have been waiting for a change like this for many, many years. We are on the doorstep of a new world. I have been so wrapped up in this election that I have only now begun to come down from the rush of seeing us move past fear and selfishness and embrace hope, service, and possibility.
I was awake all night leading up to election day, in order to be first in line to cast my vote for Obama. I must admit to being skeptical about the process and to feeling an overwhelming surge of relief when watching McCain's concession speech. I had been bracing for voter suppression, rigged machines, legal challenges, etc. This has finally given me confidence in our process. As Churchill said "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.".
Where do I even begin to focus on the profoundly positive results of this change and the unbelievable global response to it? Let's begin by examining the international response. While traveling in South America this summer I was presented with the idea that citizens of the world, and not just citizens of the U.S. should have a voice in selecting our president. This is because of the huge and disproportionate impact that the post has on the fate of the entire globe. The international response was much more jubilant than (even) I expected. People were literally dancing in the streets and crying tears of joy across the planet.
I have the feeling that this is like an overnight transition from The Dark Ages to The Renaissance. We, as a people have finally gotten to the point where the inherent unsustainability and unfairness of our course under (the thumb of) Bush became blindingly obvious to the majority of our citizenry. Much to my delight (and a bit to my surprise) the people stood up to the corporate interests and fearmongers to cast off the chains of oppression.
We are being presented with an historic opportunity, but we must work to realize it's potential http://change.gov/. The link provided is to the transition team's solid website which offers a lot of information while also soliciting input from visitors to the site. Transparency and an opportunity to directly contribute your voice to the governing of the nation, change indeed. To quote my dear friend Daisy May Erlewine "There is work to be done in the dark before dawn, there is work to be done so you've got to shine on.". Get to work!!!
nice post, but you're too young to say you've been waiting for anything "for many, many years" ;-)
I remember being freaked out during Reagan's first couple of years. Does that count? I am older than I look (born the year the Vietnam War ended and still carded when buying a beer).
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