I Buddha, am setting myself up (with assistance and an outdated long-haired photo) with a blog for my birthday. I am turning 32 as I type this post. Almost midnight now. This has been a long time coming, as I've had many friends try to convince me that I needed to start a blog. (Probably so that I would have an outlet and stop trying to save the world through them.)
The name TribalBuddha is a result of my strong desire to live in community with friends and family coupled with my interest in philosophy, self-awareness, and martial arts. I picked up the name Buddha over a dozen years ago while serving on active duty in the military. It evolved from Grasshopper to Cain (Kung-fu series) and then they settled on Buddha and it has followed me since. The name Buddha means the enlightened one. I make no such claim for myself, instead preferring to simply state that "I am awake".
This Monday I will be moving south for the winter for a short-term contract. Leaving my kids a.k.a. "The Crumbgobblers" behind feels incredibly strange as I fought like mad to maintain custody and have had them 1/2 time since the separation and subsequent divorce 6 years ago. Fortunately my ex-wife and I are friendly and this does not alter my legal standing. We will resume our standard arrangement on my return.
I don't yet have a clear direction that I want to take this site in. My best guess is that it will be as hard to pigeonhole as I have been. My hope is to use this as a vehicle to promote the vision I have of the world that is possible and the people and institutions (which interestingly enough are run by people) who are crazy enough to be traveling the same path. To those people I say "I love you all" (you know who you are). That said I do need to warn you that I am prone to rather intense 'save the planet' ramblings. Rest assured that my heart is in the right place, so if I offend you or post something that is incorrect or outdated (other than photos), by all means let me know. I hope that this will be more of an evolving discussion where we can all benefit, rather than just a madman's mountaintop monologue screamed into the wind. It's definitely gonna take a tribe to wrangle my stampeding herd of thoughts on sustainability, community, and myriad other topics. My thanks and /or apologies are offered up front.