"In every land, the truth-once known-has the power to set us free.”(Mohandas "Mahatma" Gandhi)
Well said, now we need to discover the truth. Dig deep, but avoid striking oil (seems to lead to trouble). Seriously, if we want a positive change (or many) then we need to become aware. This awareness needs to encompass both what is presently not working for us, but even more importantly what the alternatives we most desire look like.
There is a need to become very clear on this, because without clarity and focus we would dissipate valuable time and energy. The people who benefit most from maintaining the status quo have been very organized for a long time. Our advantage is largely one of numbers. We also have available to us the choice to simply opt out of much of the current situation through daily mindful action or in some cases daily mindful inaction (whichever is situationally appropriate).

raising children as we make this journey. Many very important trends and events are converging during our lifetimes with profound implications for generations to come. A few key drivers of the future appear to be reaching a tipping point. I believe that we still have time and we unquestionably have the motivation to tip them in the correct (notice that I didn't say right) direction.
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