By speaking out today, you could help save polar bears from
The Bush Administration has proposed listing the polar bear as
"threatened" under the Endangered Species Act because its Arctic
sea ice habitat is rapidly melting from global warming. This
proposed protection comes after successful legal action by NRDC
and its partners to protect the imperiled bear.
However, this proposal won't become reality without a huge
outpouring of public support.
Please send a message to the Bush Administration today by going
to: http://www.PolarBearSOS.org
Polar bears live only in the Arctic and are completely dependent
on sea ice for survival. But 80 percent of their summer ice
could be gone in 20 years and all of it by 2040. They are
already suffering the effects: birth rates are falling, fewer
cubs are surviving, and more bears are drowning.
Time is running out. Without protection, polar bears could
become the first mammal to lose 100 percent of its habitat to
global warming.
Please speak out now. Go to
Thank you for speaking out at this critical time.
Frances Beinecke
Natural Resources Defense Council
(forwarded to me by Kiwilassy)
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