Liberty itself has allowed the American public to freely choose passivity, illusion, and incompetence. -Jim Kunstler of
Clusterf@#k Nation
Let's get active, informed, and seriously organized. It is
way beyond time to start taking steps to wrest our democracy from the clutches of the kleptocrats. If we simply sit passively on our hands we will continue to be subject to entropy (and Stormtroopers). The longer we allow the consolidation of power and the erosion of our civil liberties to continue, the harder we
and our children will have to work to get to a position of freedom and dignity. The information is readily available and too widely dispersed to be suppressed, but
you need to do something with it! What would the founders of this experiment in democracy think of the current situation? What would they advise after learning how far we've allowed ourselves to be led astray?
("Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." -Benjamin Franklin) I'm screaming out to all the sheeple and praying that some of you are actually wolves in woolly clothing. (Where are these sleeper cells that DHS was scaring everyone with?) I believe that we can still take the power back legally and non-violently, but I do feel that window is closing.

Educate yourselves and your communities. (Then hold each other accountable.) Share information (and resources); post on youtube, write a blog, host documentary video screenings in your home, join or start a book club, arrange meet-ups, network, volunteer. Once you become informed you have a duty to make changes in the real world.
JUST DO SOMETHING POSITIVE AND CONCRETE!!!Take control of your personal finances. Once you control your finances you control your time and to a large extent your associations. Be conscious of how you invest your time and energy and pay attention to what and who you are supporting. If you are unhappy with what's happening;
True security and liberty depend on our ability to provide for our own basic needs (shelter, nourishing food, clean water, a degree of self-determination, a sense of contributing to our community, access to reliable unrestricted information, etc.) as well as being able to provide the same for those in our communities who are unable to provide for themselves (due to a reason other than laziness). Ultimately
we are responsible for ourselves, but responsible to each other and to those who will follow us here. Are we giving an effort worthy of our communities and our children?
Damn good post Buddha, and we are working toward that here, in our personal lives.
Take care, brother.
I know you are brother and I'm lookin' forward to hangin' out in the spring. I think we have a lot to talk about. "I have a dream.....(blah blah blah"
Hello everybody! I do not know where to begin but hope this site will be useful for me.
Hope to get any help from you if I will have some quesitons.
Thanks in advance and good luck! :)
whats up everyone
just signed up and wanted to say hello while I read through the posts
hopefully this is just what im looking for looks like i have a lot to read.
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